Cultural Beliefs In Haryana

Concept Explanation

Cultural Beliefs in Haryana

There are many cultural beliefs in Haryana. me of them are described below:

Belief Related to Journey

  • Eating of curd and jaggery is considered good before starting a journey.
  • Consuming milk just before starting a journey or undertaking a journey on Wednesday is not considered auspicious. 
  • It is considered unpleasant and unsafe to see a married women with filled pitcher of water and to hear a sound of patridge bird on left side and kotri bird on right while starting a journey.
  • To see a dog with a bone, a mongoose, a bird eating an insect sitting on a cactus plant, sneezing just before starting a journey is not considered auspicious.
  • Brooming just after someone has gone out is not considered auspicious.
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    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Statement 1: In Haryana, it is considered inauspicious to engage in agricultural activities like plowing the fields during Amavasya (new moon night) or Ekadashi (the 11th day of the lunar cycle).

    Statement 2: During Amavasya, it is considered the best time to start agricultural activities like plowing fields and milking cows in Haryana.

    Which of the following is correct based on the statements?

    Right Option : A
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    Question : 2

    In Haryana, why is it considered inappropriate to engage in certain agricultural activities during Amavasya (new moon night) or Ekadashi (the 11th day of the lunar cycle)?

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    Statement 1: It is considered unlucky to start a journey on a Wednesday in Haryana.

    Statement 2: Wednesday is considered an auspicious day to start new work or a journey in Haryana.

    Which of the following is correct based on the statements?

    Right Option : B
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